Preparation for final exam

Assalamualaikum and hi guys!


It’s 2 days before GGGE2153 Educational Technology final exam and I am still here, on my bed, not revising anything yet -,- I am planning to start revising tomorrow and InshaAllah I will be able to finish everything up by the night before the day of the exam. My classmates and I mostly don’t have any idea on how the questions will be like but I am glad that some of us have shared some of the materials that they have gotten from our Special Education friends.




I haven’t gone through the materials yet but I do hope that the materials will help us in our final exam. I am planning to read the slides, go through the past year questions and Google for some extra information. I’ll start revising tomorrow and I really hope that everything that I read will be very useful during the exam.


Till then, good luck for your final exam guys! 🙂


1 minute pitch

We were required to produce a 1 minute pitch video regarding our role in our group video production project. It should actually be a 1 minute video but I accidentally exceed to 2 minutes and above and I would like to apologize for that. Here in this entry, I also embed my introductory video that I made earlier. So, have fun watching and feel free to leave your comments below! 😉




Honestly, I’d prefer my introductory video more than my 1 minute pitch video because I find my 1 minute pitch video more simple and boring. I stuttered a lot in my 1 minute pitch video because I was unprepared. I used to prepare a simple text before I recorded my introductory video but I didn’t do the same thing for my 1 minute pitch video. I find it very important to prepare a simple text on what you are going to say before recording.


Doing this vlog thingy is very helpful, really. Because it helps to improve our speaking skills. We can play the video and listen to how we speak. From doing that, we can improve our words pronunciation. This will somehow encourage us to improve our language. If I were given another opportunity to record my own vlog next time, I’ll definitely do it better 😉


So, that is all for this entry. Have a good day people!


Video and poster

Assalamualaikum and hi guys! There’s nothing much for this entry. It is just that I had promised to show you my group’s video and poster so here they are! 😀




I am glad that I can finally share our work here to everybody. We really hope that our work will give at least something to some people because all of us do know that obesity and anorexia are diseases that should be in our concern. So remember guys, it’s not about being beautiful, it’s about being healthy 😉


Till then, have a nice day ahead everyone! :*


Reflection – Week 14

Assalamualaikum and hi guys!


It’s week 14 and it’s EduTechNovation Day! 😀 everybody was so busy preparing for their videos and posters the night before. It was one of the biggest day for us as we will be presenting our final video production project in front of our beloved lecturer, Dr. Rosseni, and the awesome tutors, Kak Ana, Mr. Helmi and Brother Fuad. As for my group, we didn’t want the same mistakes that we did in our last week’s presentation to happen again, so we did also make our final preparation the night before. I am glad that everything had finally come to an end. I realized that our fourteen weeks of hard works are worth it. And I am blessed that our presentation went well 🙂


I have gained many things since the first day of class. I can now create my own video, edit pictures using Photoshop and even produce a very fun kind of presentation using Prezi, Voki and etc. The opportunity given to us to make presentation several times somehow has helped me a lot in boosting my confidence to speak in front. I couldn’t deny that I still feel nervous when it comes to speaking in front, but I can now deal with it and getting nervous somehow makes me feel more confident during presentation 😉


The team work that I had with my group mates, the Bananana Production team, is so valuable. We faced our hard times together, and when one of us had difficulties in solving problems, the rest of us would immediately lent a hand, realizing that it was our job to help each other. It was fun and easy to work with them. I will definitely have them in my team again in the future. Thank you Yen Yen, Tenmeera and Jay! You guys are awesome! 😀


And I would like to thank Dr. Rosseni, Kak Ana, Mr. Helmi, Brother Fuad, Kak Wani and other tutors for your endless support. Without your guides, we won’t be able to finish everything perfectly on time. Thank you again everybody. No words can ever describe how glad I am to have you guys as our facilitators.


I will share my group’s video and poster in the next entry, so I’ll be catching up with you guys soon! Thank you for reading! 😉


Reflection – Week 13

It’s already week 13 and it’s pre-EduTechNovation Day! *applause* 😀


For this pre-EduTechNovation Day, we were required to prepare a simple slides presentation on the objective of our video production project. And we were also asked to present our video so that any changes on the mistakes can be made before the real EduTechNovation Day.



My group mates and I were happy for Dr. Rosseni said that she likes our video. We were glad that our hard work are all worth it. We struggled the night before until this presentation day because we had some difficulties in saving the video. But we managed to get it all done right before the presentation started with the help of Tenmeera. I learned that team work is the key to everything. Without commitment from each of the group members, it will be hard for us to bring this video production project to success. Although each of us has our own role, we still need to help each other. It’s a group work after all 😉



We had also shown our poster on that day. Unfortunately, there is a little mistake in our poster that we have to correct. But it was only a small mistake though. And from the mistakes that we had done, I learned that we need to have skills to be good in something. For example, to create this poster. Without skills in editing pictures using Photoshop, one would not be able to create this kind of poster. And I would like to thank Yen Yen for she had beautifully made this poster for our group. Thank you, Yen Yen! 🙂


I was impressed with other groups’ video presentation. Their videos are all good despite of the slight mistakes that they have to correct. A video about appreciating a mother from Minnion Production had brought most of us into tears. Their message had really touched our heart. Good job guys! The other groups did well too. I realized that we have our own kind of attraction in each of our video and that’s what makes us special in our own way 🙂


Although my group had some difficulties with our slides presentation, all of us were happy with Dr. Rosseni’s comment about our video. We still have to edit a few things on our video and poster, and I hope that my group mates and I will do better for EduTechNovation Day that will be held next week. So, good luck my dear friends! Till we meet again in the next entry 😉




Reflection – Week 12

Assalamualaikum and heyya guys!


So for week 12, Kak Ana and Mr. Helmi told us about the poster that we have to create for Educational Technology Week. Kak Ana also reminded us about our reflection blog (the one that you are viewing right now). There are some improvements that we have to make and InshaAllah I’ll try my best to fix it.


I was absent during the week that Mr. Helmi taught my classmates about how to use Photoshop but I was lucky that he taught us again in this week’s class. I am glad that I had the chance to learn about this because photography is one of my interests. So, voila! Here is my masterpiece using Photoshop! 😀



It was great to get the chance to learn about new things. Learning about Photoshop will help me a lot if I want to create another video or even to get beautiful pictures in the future. Instead of editing my pictures using my very own smartphone, I can now edit them using laptop too. I am happy with the opportunity given to me to learn about using this useful Adobe Photoshop application. Thank you Mr. Helmi! 😉


I could see that my classmates were enjoying doing this too. I hope that we can all use the knowledge that we have learned in this class for our future needs InshaAllah 🙂


Reflection – Week 11

For week 11, we were asked to present on the progress of our video production for our midterm assessment. Our video production progress were slow and we were actually had not much information to share with our fellow classmates. But we tried to make it a little bit interesting with our powerpoint presentation by using Voki and Prezi.






Although we were not fully prepared, we were satisfied with our presentation because we had tried our best. The presentation made us realized how we are still far from success for our video production project. But we have decided to not give up and keep doing on what we are doing right now till we achieve our main target which is to create our own video that will leave something that could be learned when people watch it.


And the opportunity given to us to make a presentation in front somehow helps me a lot in boosting my confidence to communicate with people. This kind of opportunity is very valuable and we should not take it lightly as it will help us a lot in the future.



I am looking forward to more presentation in the future and I hope you do too. Till we meet again in the next entry people! 😉


Reflection – Week 8

Assalamualaikum and heyya guys!


There’s not much to share for this week’s entry. Mr. Helmi taught us on how to use Windows Movie Maker to edit our video. It was quite easy but a little bit complicated too. I am glad that I understood and managed to follow his instructions. The things that he shared are very useful, not just for our video production project but also for our future needs, especially for the use of any classroom projects when we become teachers in the future.




Reflection – Week 4

Assalamualaikum and hi everybody! 🙂


So, for week 4, we had done something more fun than the previous weeks, which is a presentation! Oh, doesn’t that sounds fun? Haha alright alright. Yes, we did have a presentation but a fun kind of presentation. How? Well, we were given plasticines, a cardboard, magic pens and a few colourful papers. By using those things, we were asked to make a presentation regarding our video production on the cardboard given. This is how our masterpiece looks like:




We had so much fun preparing this for the presentation. Although we were given quite a short period of time to complete this, but still, we managed to get it done and we were satisfied with it.





The class went well and I could see how everyone enjoyed it so much. We were so excited to start doing our video production project. Dr. Rosseni, Kak Ana, Brother Fuad and Mr. Helmi helped us a lot and we were glad they did. We learned a lot today. We hoped that the things that we have learned today will be very useful not just for our final exam, but for our future needs too.


Today was great! Thank you for the memories everybody! 🙂




Introductory Video

Hello guys!


It has been a while since I last updated this blog. So for this entry, I would like to share my introductory video, which is our very first assignment for this course 😉



This is my first time of creating my own video you might as well see how awkward I am introducing myself in this video 😛 I am sorry for the sound of the motorcycle and other stuff. I am still a newbie in this kind of stuff and I am ready to learn more from this course 😉


May you enjoy watching the video! (please don’t blame me if you have nightmare in your sleep tonight, ihik)